Who's Who in Handbells
An informational list
(TS) TEMPO SETTERS is the title given to a series of videos made to
preserve AGEHR and
handbell history in the U.S. These videos feature interviews
and narratives of past presidents,
Honorary Life members, and others who have had an impact on handbells.
"*" indicates peson is deceased.
Use the Alpha button below to take you to the person you wish to find.
Community Groups are listed in ALL CAPS.
Colleges and Universities are listed in bold face type.
Zabel, Al Composer, Arranger
ZEELAND COMMUNITY HANDBELL ENSEMBLE -- Zeeland, Michigan.-- http://www.zche.org/
Zimmerman, Carl Scott, CCP -- 1424 Wilton Lane, Kirkwood, MO 63122 -- Voicemail: +1-314-821-8437 (home) -- e-mail csz_stl@swbell.net -- Avocation: tower bells: http://www.gcna.org/ -- Recreation: handbells: http://gatewayringers.homestead.com/ Mission: church bells: http://home.swbell.net/csz_stl/TowerBells.html -- 19th c. home of up to 33 bell foundries. Carl learned to play the carillon as an undergraduate at Trinity College, Hartford, with additional study at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, and played advancement recital for The Guild of Carillonneurs in North America in 1962. Subsequently he was chairman of the GCNA's Special Committee on Tower and Carillon Statistics for more than 25 years, publishing several articles on the carillons of North America; now assistant Webmaster for the Guild's Website, providing information on the location and specifications of carillons, chimes, and other tower bell installations. A lifelong church musician (tenor, organist, choir director), his first association with handbells came when his church was given two octaves of bells and he was drafted as handbell director. He joined AGEHR for guidance and has been a member ever since. He learned change ringing on tower bells while stationed in England with the USAF, and has been an informal liaison between the GCNA and the North American Guild of Change Ringers. Currently he is a bass bell ringer with the Concert Bells of Webster Groves Presbyterian Church (Webster Groves, MO) and with the Gateway Ringers, an auditioned community handbell choir in the metropolitan Saint Louis area. Certified Computing Professional (ICCP), Campanologist
Zinsmeister, Karl -- Greenwood MS 38930 AGEHR Composer
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